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Distilleria F.lli Caffo srl
Founded in: 1915
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Caffo is a family business since 1915. We are at the 4th generation right now. Our philosophy is to make 100% natural products by authentic Italian handcrafted ingredients extraction. We are leader of the market in Italy thanks to Vecchio Amaro del Capo (since 2014), we had a boom in the past 10 years. We own 4 distilleries now. The headquarter is in Calabria (Southern Italy) then we own one in Puglia (Borsci 1840), in Friuli (Distilleria Friulia) and one in Genova (Distilleria dei Dogi). We also own an office in Milan, a branch office in US (NJ) called Caffo beverages and another branch in Germany (Munich) called Caffo Deutschland. Our main business is still in Italy but we have distributors all over the world. From Canada to Australia, Almost everywhere in Europe.
We produce around 80 kind of products from grappas to italian cordials as limoncello sambuca, amaretto, amaro etc.
Products:Spirits: Brandy, Gin, Grappa, Liquors, Vodka
Product Origins:Italy
Main Brands: Borsci San Marzano, Limoncino dell''Isola, Santa Maria al Monte, Vecchio Amaro del Capo
Distribution is mainly in Italy. We do pretty well in USA and Germany. We cooperate with distributors all over the world from Canada to Australia. Distribution is both on and off trade. Even Duty free.
Seeking: We are looking for an importer of our Brandy in Hong Kong. We also have some countries where we don't have any importer as New Zeland, Estonia, South Africa etc.
Annual Sales:$6 million - $10 million
# of Employees:50 to 99

Grupo Tribal