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Top Wines Importer
Founded in: 2012
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We are setup and Doing Business with Southern Wine they are our Distributor for states. Our inventory is constantly rotating we have an average of 1.500 cases each product in stock.
Products:Wine: Pinot Grigio. 12x0,75 Pinot Grigio. 6x 1,5 (magnum bottles) Chianti. 12x0,75 Chianti. 6x 1,5 (magnum bottles) Nero D'avola. 12x0,75 Montepulciano 12x0,75 Barolo.2008. 6x 0,75 Moscato d'Asti. 6x 0,75 Prosecco 12x 0,75 Nua' Brut.
Product Origins:Italy
Main Brands: La Cacciatora, NUA
Call me 786 571-4333
Seeking: More Distributors and Retailers, Restaurants
# of Employees:5 to 9