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6 Brews

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We provide our users with a craft beer package of 6 22-oz bombers every month.
Products:Beer: Ale, Alt or Altbier, American Light Lager, Barleywine, Beer, Berliner Weisse, Bitter, Blonde or Golden Ale, Bock, Brown Ale, Doppelbock, Draught Beers, Dunkel, Eisbock, Helles, India Pale Ale IPA, Kellerbier, Kolsch, Lager, Lambic, Mailbock, Malt Liquor, Marzen, Oktoberfest, Pale Ale, Pilsner, Porter, Rauchbier, Steam Beer, Stout, Trappist Ales, Vienna Beer, Weisse and Weizen, Weizenbock
We are looking for beers for consumers in California, Arizona, and Nevada while we are in beta.
Seeking: We are searching for smaller breweries with quality product to introduce to the three markets we currently service.