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AIV Distributors inc
Founded in: 2013
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We are representatives of Uruguay winery and argentina winery. we are offering For sale: New York S Corporation with no operational history, and recently obtained Federal Import and Wholesale Basic Permit as well as New York Wholesale Distribution License*, for Wine, Beer, and Cider. Corporation has offers from leading wineries in South America and Europe and is pretty much ready to commence operations. S Corporation was able to negotiate favorable lease in prime Seaport Office at monthly rent of $1,300.00 only. Purchase of the Corporation would enable buyer to be grand-fathered (Basic Permit), and subject to NYSLA’s consent, to promptly commence selling to New York Wholesalers and Retailers. Seriously interested principal parties only. Please contact Arthur Seidenfeld at arthurjay@mindspring.com or Corporation’s Counsel Robert Zara, Esq. at zara@zaralawny.com
Products:Wine: representing irurtia of Uruguay, 100 year old winery.
Product Origins:Uruguay
Main Brands: artisan beers, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, SPARKLING WINES
selling to wine stores, retailers and distributors.
Seeking: additional wineries and breweries