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Wholesaler, Agent / Broker
Prestige Liquors
Founded in: 2010
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Prestige Liquors, LLC is a spirits and wine wholesaler and broker for premium and unique spirits and wines from around the world. Our current sales area is the Southeastern United States of Mississippi and Alabama. We are highly regarded for our ability and expertise in promoting new and small batch products.
Products:Wine: Cabernet Malbec Tempranillo granach sauvignon blac chardonnay merlot crianza
Spirits: Rum, Tequila, Vodka
Product Origins:Argentina: Mendoza
French Guiana
United States
Main Brands: California wines, El Dorado, Italian wines, Portuguese wines, Spanish Wines, VODQUILA
Alabama Mississippi, USA
Seeking: Unique or new spirits Small distillery spirits Wines Bourbon
Annual Sales:Less than $1 million
# of Employees:1 to 4