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Minkov Brothers Wine Cellar

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20 km west of the Black Sea, on a hill enclosed by vast, well-kept vineyards is the winery of the Minkov Brothers. Today the company has more than 15 000 decares of vineyards.These feature both wine grapes traditional for Bulgaria, such as chardonnay, muscat ottonel, red muscat, mavrud, ruby, cabernet sauvignon, and merlot, as well as globally renowned varieties The equipment complies with all European and global standards. More than EUR 17 million has been invested in it, part of them subsidized with funding from European programs. The production compound has the capacity to process 15 million kg. of grapes p.a. and produce 11 million liters of high-grade wine.
Product Origins:Bulgaria
Main Brands: Chateau Karnobat, Ethno, From the cellar, Memories, Minkov Brothers, Oak 3
Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Finland, Algerie, Croatia..
# of Employees:Over 1,000