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SIS Industries Ltd
Founded in: 1995
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The company is a major producer in the Bulgarian alcoholic beverage and wine industry. The group which employs more than 1000 people has an extensive portfolio that spans three business segments: spirits, wines and liqueurs. The main goal and mission is to stay true to the things that matter most – deliver high quality and exceptional service to our clients. Today our company is one of the largest alcohol producers and leader on the local market.
Products:Spirits: Brandy, Eau de Vie, Gin, Mastika, Mentha, Ouzo, Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Whisky
Product Origins:Bulgaria
Main Brands: Karnobat, Mary Jane, Savoy, Zorbas
Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Iran/Iraq, Czech Republic, Belgium, Algerie, USA, Italy, Turkey, Sweden, Spain, Serbia, Romania, Finland
Targeting: Germany, Greece, Iran, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United States
# of Employees:Over 1,000