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Kanu Wines
Founded in: 1998
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Kanu Wines is based on our passion for the wines we produce. Kanu''s main focus is quality. We have a broad spectrum of wines, making us easily accessible to any market.
Products:Wine: All Kanu Wines are under Kanu wines, unless it is specifically made for clients... White Blends Red blends Rose Viognier Chenin Blanc Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon Bordeaux blend Malbec Shiraz
Product Origins:South Africa
Main Brands: Kanu Chardonnay B/F, Kanu Chenin Blanc, Kanu GSM, Kanu KCB, Kanu Keystone, Kanu Kia Ora (NLH), Kanu Merlot, Kanu Natural Sweet Shiraz, Kanu Rockwood Red, Kanu Shiraz
At the moment we are distributing in some parts of Canada, UK, Seychells, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Some Parts of China, Singapore and a few more.
Seeking: Trustworthy Agents in Germany, USA, Norway, Ireland, Russia, Poland and a few more
Targeting: Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Seychelles, United States