We specialize in Fine Argetinean Wines and import from the best vineyards surrounding Andes mountains.
Other wines include French and Greek.
Our beer line include the Mexicali beers and a Greek, Hilla.
Caledonia, Chateau la Fleur, Gritos joven, Close de los Siete, Finca La Florencia, Gritos Classic, Estate, Reserv, Hillas Gk and Mexicali beers, Obra Prima, poesia, Festivo, Lindaflor
Distribution Territories:
our wines are easily marketable anywhere such as restaurants, wine shops and corporate retail. The quality of the wines and price is what makes it a open market. We are active in New York, Alabama and Louisiana.
Crux Imports is a producer of imported wines and are currently seeking Distributors in ID, UT, WY, CO, SD, TX, FL, GA,TN, IN.