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Nørderd GmbH
Founded in: 2009
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Nørderd pure potato vodka /Origin: Lower Austria - Austria /Type: high quality vodka from the north of Austria with the unique character of the woodquarter organic potatoes /Taste: crystal clear and youthful. a tremendously strong and expressive aroma with delicate graphite ones and sweet marzipan and opulent on the palate yet soft. the new pure potato vodka norderd are experts and fans alike into raptures vodka from the field to distillation-norderd pure potato vodka-is just pure and honest
Products:Spirits: Vodka
Product Origins:Austria
Main Brands: 0,7 l 40%, 4 cl 40%, Nørderd - pure potato vodka
Austria - Germany - Switzerland Bars - Hotels - Beverage distributors
Seeking: cooperation partners - interested - customer
Annual Sales:Less than $1 million
# of Employees:1 to 4