McM Imports is the exclusive Importer of some of the leading emerging wine makers across Europe with wine being shipped to the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Asia.
Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon,
Rose ,
Pinot Noir,
Sauvignon Blanc,
Moscato Bianco (DRY)
Cabernet Franc, variety of blends
Product Origins:
Argentina Azerbaijan Bulgaria Chile France Italy: Campania Spain United States
Main Brands:
BlackSea, Castra Rubra, Chateau Roquefort, FlwoerFace, Gulbanis, Many More Brands!!, No Mans Land, QUESTION MARK, Starfish, Surge, Tcherga, Telish, Vernet Cava, Yantra
Distribution Territories:
North America, Parts of Europe, Asia, including India