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Broo Limited Australia
Founded in: 2009
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Broo Limited produces Broo Premium Lager the fastest growing beer brand in Australia. Currently only available in Australia Broo Premium Lager is now looking to International markets to begin exporting. Broo Premium Lager is authentically Australian Premium Lager which is 4.6% ABV with further products to be released in 2012.
Products:Beer: Beer
Product Origins:Australia: Victoria
Main Brands: Broo Premium Lager
Broo Premium Lager is currently only distributed in Australia nationally through retail liquor stores, grocery Liquor and is available on premise at pubs, bars, nightclubs, hotels, restaurants and cafes.
Seeking: Broo Limited is looking international importers / distributors world wide.
Targeting: Brazil, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Philippines, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States
# of Employees:5 to 9