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Our company, Outimex, is dedicated to the representation of small and medium Spanish companies which manufacture food gourmet products. Among these companies, we work with wineries that produce wines of a high quality. All the wineries we represent work in a totally artisanal way in order to produce an excellent wine, different from the ones produced in big quantities at great production wineries. This is the reason why our wines are specially designed for the gourmet sector. Also they are all protected by the corresponding Designation of Origin, which guarantees its quality and properties. We also works with a winerie which only produces organic wines. The competitive advantage of our wines lies in its high quality.
Product Origins:Argentina: La Rioja
Spain: La Rioja, Valencia
Main Brands: Señorio de Valdesneros, Terrasteban
Europe (france, Denmark, Germany)
Seeking: We are interested in finding a company in order to market our wines as an importer in USA. We are looking for an experience company with knowledge about gourmet sector