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Jetson Trading Ltd.
Founded in: 2011
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Jetson Trading Ltd is a trading company specialised in the trading of beverages from Bordeaux. We offer a large range of Grands Crus Classés including the famous Latour, Lafite, Pétrus…. All our wines are available in HK, kept in a refrigerated warehouse. Jetson trading has also its own range of wines distributed under the name O Muse de Bordeaux. The O Muse de Bordeaux range also includes the only Natural Mineral Water from Bordeaux called the “Grand Cru de l’Eau”.
Products:Beer: Water
Spirits: WINE
Product Origins:France: Bordeaux
Main Brands: Lafite, LATOUR, Margaux, Pétrus
We are looking for distributors in Asia for our Natural Mineral Water from Bordeaux
Annual Sales:Less than $1 million
# of Employees:1 to 4