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champagne Amaury COUTELAS

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At the beginning, this is the story of a soil implanted at the heart of the Vallée de la Marne, in France; of a family tradition and of the passion of a man and a woman: Damien and Angelique. The Coutelas family has been winegrowers for five generations giving priority to a fragile balance between delicacy, intensity and purity. The Maison Coutelas pursues a tradition of excellence by marketing overseas a unique range of Champagne wines that has been selected between the best Champagne of the area. Pleasure, sacred moments, authenticity and transmission of our passion are the key words of our Maison… for the greatest happiness of Champagne amateurs.
Products:Wine: champagne
Product Origins:France: Champagne
Main Brands: champagne Amaury COUTELAS
we distribute in germany, united kingdom.
Seeking: we are looking for selling ours champagnen in the united states and china.
Annual Sales:Less than $1 million