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Negotiant / Exporter
Wines of the Cape

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We export a range of South African Cream Liqueurs that include Marula, Strawberry, Coffee and Peppermint. We have received the International Platinum Sip Award in 2010. The Liqueurs are made by a dedicated team with a wealth of skills and experience in their respective fields and a master liqueur maker with sole purpose of developing high quality Cream Liqueurs. We already have the USA FDA approval and can export immediately to the US.
Products:Spirits: Liquors
Product Origins:South Africa
Main Brands: Coffee Cream Liqueur, Marula Cream Liqueur, Peppermint Cream Liqueur, Strawberry Cream Liqueur
We are exporting already to the USA and we are looking to expand our exports
Targeting: Canada, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States