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Negotiant / Exporter
Argentoratum International

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We are a French Import & Export Business company looking to penetrate the Mexican market with our high quality and very good value for money cognacs (VS, VSOP, Napoleon, XO). The Cognacs originate from small vineyards in the Grande Champagne region of cognac.We are looking for serious Spirits importers/distributors.
Products:Wine: Cognacs VS,VSOP,Napoleon,XO
Spirits: Cognac
Product Origins:France: Cognac
Main Brands: Napoleon-Old reserve, VS, VSOP, XO-Extra Old
We would like to see our products distributed in Hotels, restaurants, wine shops, department stores, delicatessens, duty free shops, nightclubs
Seeking: We are looking for Spirit importers/distributors in Mexico
Targeting: Mexico