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Cantina di Sorbara
Founded in: 1923
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oday the Cantina di Sorbara is a cooperative with 410 grape producing partners with a production capacity of around 80,000 hectolitres of wine a year. Modern technology has allowed the Cantina to constantly improve the production so is able to always offer a high quality product. Its winery reputation comes from the fact that right from the beginning the Cantina produced bottled wine of an excellent quality ( first recognition came in 1927 ). The Cantina has continued making steady efforts to adapt the production pointing the company in the direction of the high quality wine making range, for a discerning and qualified clientele.
Products:Wine: Lambrusco DOC Wine Red sparkling wine white sparkling wine rosè sparkling wine
Product Origins:Italy: Emilia Romagna
Main Brands: Amorosa, Lambrusco di Sorbara Amabile, Lambrusco di Sorbara Amore, Lambrusco di Sorbara Villa Bad, Lambrusco Grasparossa
Cantina di Sorbara sells their wine all over the world: Germany, Portugal, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Brazil, Mexico
Seeking: We are looking for wine importers to start a good partnership
Targeting: Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, United States