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Importer, Wholesaler
Bridge Imports
Founded in: 2010
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Importer of Wine products New York Wine Wholesaler and Distributor Licensed to sell to distributors in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Washington DC, and Florida.
Products:Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon, Stellenbosch Chardonnay, Stellenbosch Chenin Blanc, Stellenbosch Merlot, Stellenbosch Pinotage, Stellenbosch Sauvignon Blanc, Stellenbosch Syrah, Stellenbosch
Spirits: Fortified Wines
Product Origins:Argentina: San Juan
Chile: Central Valley
United States: California
Main Brands: Bellevue, Groote Post, Sizannai
New York State New Jersey Florida
Seeking: Bring New Wines to the USA market