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Importer, Wholesaler, E-Commerce
Aficionado Wine & Spirits Inc.
Founded in: 2011
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Importer/ Brand manager of fine wines and distinct spirits. Currently we are the exclusive distributors for Puerto Rico and the Caribbean for Schug, Jax, Alpha Omega, Gozzo, Kaina and Camino de los 7 lagos.
Products:Wine: Sonoma Coast Carneros Mendoza Lujan de Cuyo Patagonia Napa, CA
Product Origins:Argentina: Mendoza
United States: California
Main Brands: Alpha Omega, Camino de los 7 lagos, Gozzo, Jax, Kaina, Schug
Restaurants, boutique shops, hotels, wine/liquor shops
Seeking: looking for distributors in USVI and BVI to represent our lines.
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million
# of Employees:5 to 9