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Heumann winery
Founded in: 2000
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We a Swiss – German couple founded the Heumann winery 10 years ago and took the chance to realize our dream – to produce high end wines at reasonable prices. Our passion for wine combined with Swiss quality standards and last but not least the terroir of Villány has already born fruits. Numerous national and international awards and high scores in tastings are the evidence.Wines:Chardonnay, Blaufränkisch,Cabernet Franc, 2 Cuvées.
Products:Wine: DHC Villany: Chardonnay, Rhine Riesling, Gewurzrtraminer, Kékfrankos (Blaufraenkisch), Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah.
Product Origins:Hungary
Main Brands: Borosso, Cuveé Segreto, different single varietals, Terra Tartaro
Mainly Switzerland. Our importer is the only Master of Wine in Switzerland. Other countries: Netherlands, Poland, Germany, UK, US.
Seeking: Importers and Distributers
Targeting: Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, India, United Kingdom, United States
Annual Production:30000