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Founded in: 2004
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Nimorinka is an alcoholic drink, which is produced by means of fermentation and double distillation of fruits. This type of drink is known for ages in several countries under different names: Pálinka in Hungary, Slivovica in Slovakia, Schnaps in Germany, Rakia in Balkan countries, tuica in Romania and Slivovitz in Czech Republic. All these are similar to the fruit distillate Nimorinka, but mostly alike to is Eau-de-Vie, a world known French beverage meaning “water of life”.
Products:Spirits: Eau de Vie
Product Origins:Moldova, Republic of
Main Brands: Nimorinka
It is a new brand, and till now it is distrubuted only in the Republic of Moldova.
Seeking: We are looking for new markets to distrubute our products
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million
# of Employees:20 to 49