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Importer, Wholesaler, Winery, Distillery, Retailer, Negotiant / Exporter
Arma - Frans
Founded in: 2007
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We are an alcohol importing company that has its own growing chain of retail shops in major cities in Russia, and soon will be entering into smaller cities (1 million + populations). As a company that imports and sells the products we provide customers with a guarantee of quality at the lowest prices possible, and provide a chance for producers and exporters to get their products into the Russian market at competitive prices (essentially cutting the middleman out of the equasion). This allows us to have a high level of turnover.
Products:Beer: Beer
Spirits: Armagnac, Brandy, Cognac, Fortified Wines, Scotch, Tequila, Vodka, Whisky
Product Origins:Armenia
Main Brands: Armenian Champagne, Belarus Crystal, Frans Cognac, Frans Wines
Ditribution to stores owned by the company and other stores in large cities in Russia, and soon smaller cities with populations over 1 million
Seeking: Alcohol producers wishing to enter the Russian Market.
Targeting: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Cyprus, France, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, United Kingdom
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million