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Founded in: 2010
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POMP seductive is a high quality cuvée made of 80% German Riesling and 20% champagne-reinette. The product springs of a company with a history of more than 225 years. The mix makes the product unique in the world. POMP recently has won 3 awards for INNOVATION, QUALITY and DESIGN. POMP is a manufacturer and therefore the premium product is distributed deliberately rare. Furthermore the focus is on quality, not on the mass market.
Products:Wine: POMP rosé, POMP blanc
Product Origins:Germany: Rheingau
Main Brands: POMP blanc, POMP rosé
International markets with exclusive or selective distribution, mainly restaurants, hotels, catering and finest food (delicatessen) shops.
Seeking: POMP with its quite NEW product is seeking for international distributors worldwide. POMP grants EXCLUSIVE rights (territory rights) on a long term basis !!!