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Wholesaler, Agent / Broker, Negotiant / Exporter
Crosbie Companie
Founded in: 2010
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Crosbie Companie is an agency for importers looking to buy American wines. By building long term relationships with importers, retailers, and consumers around the world, Crosbie Companie seeks to educate and provide for the world America''s quality wines.
Products:Wine: Napa Valley Cabernet Paso Robles Cabernet Paso Robles Zinfandel California Zinfandel Sonoma Chardonnay California Chardonnay
Product Origins:United States: California
Our products are distributed to regions that enjoy wine or are beginning to appreciate wines. Because our wines are made in limited quantities, we distribute to select markets only.
Seeking: To provide premium wine from California and the United States. We are seeking small or medium size importers and distributors to help bring our wine to the people of the world. We are dedicated and would like to help importers and retailers sell excellent wine and make more money.