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Spirt Bal Buram LLC
Founded in: 1973
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The core business of Spirt Bal Buram is the production of top grade spirits from wheat grain.“Spirt Bal Buram” became the only good food and beverage manufacturing company to be granted ISO-9001 status in recognition of the international quality management system of its operations. Today, apart from spirits “Spirt Bal Buram” produces “Kharaa”, “Chinggis”, “Khubilai”, “Kharaa Lemon”, “Kharaa Apple”, and “Grandkhaan” brand vodkas.
Products:Spirits: Vodka
Main Brands: Chinggis, Eruu, Grandkhaan Super Premium, Kharaa, Kharaa Lemon, Khraa Apple, Khubilai
The company exports “Grandkhaan” in the USA, UK, Canada, EU, and North and South Korea. The market segment for Grandkhaan Super Premium brand is high class luxury, Chinggis brand is for men ages between 25-45 who earn enough income for luxury hobby, Kharaa brand is for middle class men ages between 25-40 live on month to month income basis.
Seeking: We are looking to export our brand and looking for reliable distributors, wholesalers, and retailers.
Targeting: Australia, China, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Turkey, United States
# of Employees:250 to 999