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Bodegas Alcardet
Founded in: 1973
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The winery now has more than 600 partners who grow more than 4,000 Hectares of vineyards. The vineyards are mainly located within the municipal boundaries of Alcardete at an altitude of 780m above sea level. The river Giguela flows through the area, creating a microclimate that has an extraordinarily favourable effect on vine cultivation. Added to limy soil poor in organic materials, this enables the production of quality wines recognised both nationally and internationally
Products:Wine: La Mancha DOC Tempranillo Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz Chardonnay
Product Origins:Spain: Castile-La Mancha
Main Brands: Alcardet, Assero, Cuevas, Fousco, Grumier
Spain, China, Russia, Japan, EU
Seeking: Importers and distributors in different markets
Targeting: Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, Russia, United States
Annual Sales:$6 million - $10 million