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Importer, Bottlers
Madalien Ltd
Founded in: 1947
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Madalien Ltd is a beverage company situated in Malta (Europe). Madalien Ltd is a sister company of master group. master group is a distribution company in Malta that imports alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage from all over the world and has its distribution network in Malta and Gozo. Madalien Ltd produces a vast range of Fruit Squashes, Liquors and Spirits.
Products:Spirits: Liquors
Main Brands: Just Squashes, Lungho Liqueurs, Smply Spirits, Zeppi's liqueurs
The Zeppi's Liqueurs range that are typical Maltese liqueurs that forms part of seven different products. The Smply spirits range that are Vodka, Gin, Rum & Sambuca. The Just Squashes forms part of 21 different flavours. The Lungho range are 7 different liqueurs such as Amaretto, Cherry Liqueur and others We currently distribute our products in Malta & Gozo.