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Importer, Wholesaler
Europa Import/Export Ltd LLC
Founded in: 2004
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Importers of quality wines and liquors from Eastern Europe, primarily former Yugoslavia. Specializing in new and exciting varietals unique to the Balkans, as well as Old World traditional brandies such as Slivovitz. Soon to be expanding to include many products from other Eastern European countries. Also, a smaller array of unique Italian wines.
Products:Wine: Vranac Blatina Zilavka Krstac Romanca Black Stallion Bear's Blood Czar Lazar Czarina Milica Gaglioppo Ehos
Beer: Beer
Spirits: Brandy, Cachaca, Eau de Vie, Grappa, Liquors, Vodka
Product Origins:Croatia
Main Brands: Bela Osa, Excellentia, Imperian, Lozova, Manastirka, Slivo, vinjak, Zuta Osa
Primarily Eastern Europeans living in the U.S., although the wines are rapidly developing a more "mainstream" appeal.
Seeking: Distributors to help me get my products to a wider segment of the marketplace.