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Importer, Retailer, Hotel Restaurant Catering
Rita Savor S.L.

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Retailer and Catering in Jesus Ibiza, Spain, specialized in French food, wines and cider. We also carry wines from other countries.We are looking for all types of wines, Champagne and Cider.
Products:Wine: Wines from France, Spain and other countries.
Spirits: Cider
Product Origins:France

Seeking Wine From : France
Posted by : Importer, Retailer - Spain
We are a well-established retailer and Catering in Ibiza, Spain, specialized in French food and wines.
We are looking to expand our selection of French wines (white, red and rose, Champagne, sparkling wines) from all regions.
Our retail price goes from 9 to 20 euros.
Please submit offers with ex-cellar price via media@internationalbeveragenetwork.com who will forward.