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Chacalli De Decker
Founded in: 1954
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Chacalli De Decker is since more than 50 years Europe''s leading supplier to the Diplomatic community, serving over 20.000 diplomatic personnel at embassies around the world. We supply also many military organisations including Shape, Nato, the UN and OPCW. As a wholesaler we deliver to airport retailers, ship chandlers and airlines. We have also 3 airport retail operations in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
Products:Wine: All still wine, sparkling wine and champagnes from all countries in Europe and the new world.
Beer: Beer
Spirits: akvavit, Armagnac, Bitters, Bourbon, Brandy, Cachaca, Calvados, Cognac, Eau de Vie, Fortified Wines, Genever, Gin, Grappa, Irish whiskey, Kirsch, Liquors, Pastis, Rum, Scotch, Sherry, Single Malt, Tequila, Vermouth, Vodka, Whisky
Product Origins:Argentina
Australia: South Australia
France: Alsace, Armagnac, Beaujolais, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Calvados, Champagne, Charentes/Poitou, Cognac, Languedoc Roussillon, Loire & Center, Provence/Corsica, Rhone, South-West
Italy: Emilia Romagna, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Piedmont, Sicily, Trentino-Alto-Adige, Tuscany, Veneto
Spain: Castile-La Mancha, Catalonia, La Rioja, Navarre
United States: California, Other States
Main Brands: Blossom Hill, Chapoutier, Concha Y Toro, Faustino, Frescobaldi, Gallo, Lindemans, Louis Latour, Marqués de Riscal, Masi
Diplomatic, Military markets, Airport Retail and Airlines in Europe.
Seeking: Brands with international image where we can be exclusive distributor in 1 or sevaral countries.
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million
# of Employees:50 to 99