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Winery, Distillery, Bottlers
Victory Myanmar Group Co. Ltd.
Founded in: 1886
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We are the Distillers of the largest selling Rum of Myanmar ''The Mandalay Rum''. Our Distillery has a tradition since 1886. We have our own aging facilities for the Rum in local ''Yamanay'' wood which imparts a very smoky and pungent dour to our Rums. All the Rums bottled by us are 100% natural with no artificial flavours or colors. We have aged alcohol to the extent of 400,000 gallons, some as old as 25 years.
Products:Spirits: Rum
Product Origins:Macau
Main Brands: Mandalay Rum
Currently we are distributing in the Local Myanmar Market and doing exports to India and New Zealand
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million
# of Employees:250 to 999