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Agent / Broker
UB Holdings
Founded in: 2005
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We are drinks manufacture based in Dubai, with a award winning vodka which have won 4 gold in two years running consecutively, our product is a premium grade vodka which is available to the masses at a very competitive. We are currently expanding our distribution network across the globe, if you believe that you organisation can become a credible partner in your country or have a in road to a mass distribution of our brand then please contact us. We have marketing and advertisement spends available for full details please contact us.
Products:Spirits: Vodka
Product Origins:Latvia
Main Brands: Dannoff Vodka
our product is a premium grade vodka which is available to the masses at a very competitive, at present our brands is availble UK,NL,LV,DE,
Seeking: we are looking for a drinks credible partner to distribute our brand