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Schubert Wines Limited
Founded in: 1998
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A world search, which also included France, Germany, North and South America as well as Australia for the ideal area with perfect conditions for viticulture, especially for Pinot Noir, brought Kai Schubert and Marion Deimling, graduates of the German Viticulture and Oenology University in Geisenheim to the Wairarapa, New Zealand. Schubert vineyards are closely planted and the unique climate produces low yields and internationally award winning wines with intense and complex character; predominantly exported to currently 25 countries.
Products:Wine: Pinot Noir, Sauvignon blanc, Martinborough, Wairarapa
Product Origins:New Zealand: North Island
Main Brands: Schubert Wines
high end wine merchants and fine dining restaurants in currently 25 countries
Seeking: looking for representation in countries we currently do not have distribution