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Winery, Distillery
InterRepublican Winery and Distillery
Founded in: 1972
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InterRepublican Winery and Distillery Ltd is a modern-style company which owns 6 distilleries in Russia, Moldova, Bulgaria and France. Main brands of the IRW Group are traditionally within a “10-top sale” on the Russian alcohol market and sold to more than 25 countries of the world. IRW Group carries out a policy of further expansion and enlargement of its business area. This alloys the company to maintain it’s leading positions on the Russian market as well as work up international markets.
Products:Wine: Sparkling wine
Spirits: Brandy, Vodka
Product Origins:Russia
Main Brands: Arbatskaya, Flagship
over 30 countries of the world (Western Europe, Asia, CIS)
Targeting: Austria, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Israel, United States